Surgical | Chantilly Cosmetic Surgery


Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is where implants are placed under the breast tissues in order to improve the size and shape of the breasts. The implants can be filled with either silicone gel or saline. Dr. Chopra will devise a customized treatment plan to address your unique needs and goals.

Saline vs. Silicone
Saline vs Silicone Saline-filled implants are available to all women for breast augmentation over the age of 18. A silicone shell is inserted into the body and then filled to its desired volume with saline fluid. Saline has the consistency of water. Underneath very thin skin, folds of a saline implant might be seen or felt more often – this is known as implant “rippling” or “wrinkling.”  Silicone gel is an inert polymer with no known human allergies, sensitivities or reactions. Like a gummy bear candy, the molecules are stuck to one another in a cohesive matrix. Silicone is more viscous than saline. In contrast to saline, it flows differently within its shell and can often create a more natural look and feel to the breast, like breast tissue. Women must be 21 years of age or older to be offered silicone gel implants for breast augmentation, as per the FDA’s regulation

Placing the implants submuscular, which means “behind the muscle” or “under the muscle” are important for three reasons:

  • There is more natural tissue covering the implant. Therefore, it looks and feels more natural.
  • The muscles covering the implant provide internal support, which helps to reduce the impact of the weight of the implant. This minimizes the stretch on the overlying skin over time.
  • The clear plane of separation that the muscle provides between the implant and the breast tissue allows for easier and more thorough imaging during mammograms.

For these reasons, it is rare that Dr. Chopra will recommend placing an implant behind the breast tissue and in front of the muscle. This is referred to as “sub glandular” placement. However, in line with his philosophy of taking an individualized approach to cosmetic surgery, there are occasionally women for whom he recommends this type of surgery.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Effects of Sagging Breasts
If you are like many women, your breasts are an important part of not just your appearance, but of your self-image. As a result, having sagging breasts can make you feel:

  • Older
  • Less attractive
  • Less feminine
  • Physically worn-out or spent

Breast lift surgery is not just about looking good, but feeling good about yourself. We can listen to your concerns about your appearance and help you determine whether a breast lift is the right procedure for you.

Breast Lift and Implant
Good candidates for a breast lift with implants are healthy patients who have small, sagging breasts. Oftentimes, women who have a history of multiple pregnancies and are breastfeeding or massive weight loss are great candidates for this procedure. Breast lift with implants should ideally be performed after completion of childbearing and for at least 6 months after completion of breastfeeding.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) – Upper and Lower
Are you interested in looking younger by removing excess skin from drooping lids or removing “bags” under your eyes?

The main attraction of cosmetic eyelid surgery is that it can make a great improvement in appearance and it is a relatively simple process that takes less than 1 hour. Most people are able to go about their normal life the next day with minimal downtime.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery cannot relieve dark circles, fine lines, or wrinkles around the eyes, but these problems can be improved with chemical peels or laser skin resurfacing. If there is a forehead drop, a forehead or brow lift may be considered and performed prior to an upper blepharoplasty to produce the optimal cosmetic result. These procedures can be performed at the same surgical time as the initial forehead lift. Also, other surgical procedures such as face lift can be done at the same time to give you a more youthful appearance.

Through a strategically placed incision, the upper or lower eyelid procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fatty tissue. Because it is placed in the natural contour of the upper eyelid, the incision is camouflaged upon healing. Through a personal consultation, Dr. Chopra will decide the best approach for revitalizing your eyelids. This can be done in the office under local-anesthesia, or in the surgical center based on your needs and recommendations by your plastic surgeon.

Every patient varies in degree of bruising and healing, thus preventing a specific answer to the question. However, we can offer a general outline of expectations:

  • If bruising or swelling appears, it usually emerges within the first few days.
  • Within the first week, the stitches will dissolve or be removed; cosmetics can be used to cover any temporary residual discoloration.
  • You may also resume any normal activities considered non-strenuous.
  • After a few weeks, you may resume vigorous exercise and wearing contact lenses.
  • Over the next few months, you may experience a reduction of swelling and the final results will appear.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

Also known as “brachioplasty,” arm lift surgery reshapes the upper arms to produce more slender and toned contours. Weight fluctuations and natural aging cause the arm skin to stretch and become loose, and fat deposits often accumulate in the upper arms as well. Over time, these conditions can cause embarrassing arm flab to hang off the upper arms.

Arm lift surgery improves the contours of the upper arms by:

  • Removing excess skin
  • Eliminating stubborn fat deposits
  • Tightening the underlying tissues
  • Achieving better definition and shape

A considerable amount of excess skin in the upper arm can be either the result of weight loss, aging, or hormonal changes. Most of these patients are avoiding wearing short-sleeved shirts because they dislike the shape of their upper arms.

Dr. Chopra will make incisions on the undersides of your arms. The length and pattern of the incisions depends on how much skin will be removed.
After making the incisions, the plastic surgeon will tighten your underlying tissues and secure them with stitches. He may also use a suction technique to remove fat (liposuction).
Your skin will then be draped over the new contours and excess skin will be removed. Stitches and surgical tape will be used to close the incisions.

By removing loose skin, an arm lift can give your upper arms a more toned appearance. Arm lift results are typically long lasting. Remember, however, your skin will naturally lose some firmness as you age and some sagging might occur.
Possible risks may include scarring, asymmetry in the shape of your arms, changes in skin sensation, issues with stitches, etc.

Brazilian Butt Lift (Fat Grafting to the Buttocks)
The Brazilian butt lift is the most popular buttock augmentation option we offer. A fat transfer (fat grafting) procedure is used to improve the appearance of your butt. Many of our patients prefer this technique because your own fat is used as part of the procedure, providing a more natural buttock augmentation method while increasing the longevity with very little risk of adverse effects.

You’ll achieve a variety of benefits when you choose the Brazilian butt lift technique, including:

  • Curvy, voluptuous buttocks shape
  • More balanced and proportional figure
  • Improved body contouring in the donor region
  • More natural looking and feeling results than can be achieved using silicone implants
  • Improved appearance in bathing suits and clothing
  • Increased self-confidence

Liposuction is performed in areas that have excess fat—typically the abdomen, sides and hips, and/or lower back—to both improve the proportions and contour of the lower body and harvest fat to be added to the buttocks. The collected fat is then purified and prepared for grafting before your plastic surgeon strategically injects the fat into specific areas of your buttocks to create a fuller, more defined shape.

No pressure on your buttocks for 2 to 3 weeks. Your plastic surgeon will let you know when going back to physical activity is safe.

Breast Reduction
A Breast Reduction is an outpatient surgical procedure under general anesthesia.

A small incision is made under the nipple, & the fibrous fatty tissue is excised evenly and then the incision is closed.

One week of down time is recommended & four weeks after your procedure you may resume light exercise.

Dr. Chopra can also reduce the size of an enlarged areola by removing skin from the outer edge of it as well as repositioning the nipple. In doing this, it will enable the nipple attached to the connective tissue to reserve sensitivity.

Browpexy (Brow Lift)
Brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, elevates the brows and improves wrinkles on the upper part of the face. This procedure removes excess skin and tightens the tissues to create a rejuvenated appearance in the forehead, eyebrows, and eyelid areas.

Benefits of an eyebrow lift

  • Improves forehead wrinkles

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are improved by over 80% to reveal smooth, youthful skin over the brows.

  • Corrects fine lines

The vertical grooves between the brows, known as “frown lines,” are enhanced to help express a more cheerful and relaxed facial appearance.

  • Rejuvenate your eyes

Drooping brows that hang over the eyes can make you appear tired or angry. With a brow lift, you can project a more alert and friendly appearance.

  • Improve line of sight

Excess skin and fatty tissue in the eyebrows can be lifted to correct vision affected by this tissue that covers the eyelids.

Buccal Fat Pad Removal
The fat bags of bichat are fat pads located in the lower part of the cheeks, these can give the appearance of a rounded face in some people, the surgery consists of extracting them through a small incision on the inside of the cheek.

Some people have a rounded face as a result of being overweight, while others have a genetic predisposition and inherited this characteristic. Bichectomy is the elimination of this fat and it can be an option for people who want to reduce the size of their cheeks and highlight the cheekbones. The result of the surgery is a slimmer facial appearance, with more defined cheeks.

The procedure is performed from inside of the mouth and does not result in visible scars on the face. Dr. Chopra will strategically remove the correct amount of the buccal fat pad to enhance the patient’s youthful contours and overall facial shape.

It generally takes about 7 to 10 days for the tissues inside the mouth to dissolve following buccal fat pad removal. As such, a patient may need to maintain a soft or semi-liquid diet in the first few days after surgery.

Butt Lift
A butt lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the buttocks. It can be performed as part of a tummy tuck (belt lipectomy) or a lower body lift to shape the buttocks, groin, thighs, and abdomen.

A butt lift alone will not add bulk to them. But sometimes, a butt lift is combined with an augmentation procedure to modify the shape or size of the buttocks with implants or fat grafts.

During this lift, excess skin and fat are removed from the buttocks. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned appearance.

Chin Implant
Chin augmentation is a procedure that uses implants to enhance and reshape the chin. Dr. Chopra performs chin augmentation in our Chantilly Plastic Surgery Facility, using the latest in advanced technology. With years of experience, you can be sure of receiving a chin augmentation that is comfortable, safe, and offers attractive results that enhance your facial symmetry.

Dr. Chopra begins by making an incision either in the natural crease line just under the person’s chin or inside the mouth where gum and lower lip meet. By gently stretching this tissue, Dr. Chopra creates a space where an implant can be inserted. This implant, made of synthetic material that feels much like natural tissue normally found in the chin, is available in a variety of sizes and shapes. This allows custom fitting of the implant to the configurations of the patient’s face. After implantation, the plastic surgeon uses fine sutures to close the incision. When the incision is inside the mouth, no scarring is visible. If the incision is under the chin, the scar is practically imperceptible.

The patient will experience some tenderness, and the surgeon will prescribe medications to help with post-operative discomfort. Chewing will probably be limited immediately after chin surgery, and the person may need to follow a diet of liquids and soft foods for a few days after the procedure. Most patients feel a stretched, tight sensation after the surgery, but this usually subsides in a week. After approximately six weeks, most swelling will be gone, and the person can start to see the results of the procedure. Normal activity can be resumed after approximately 10 days.

Chin Reduction
This procedure reduces the chin & takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to perform. General anesthesia is typically used. The procedure begins with Dr. Chopra making an incision inside the mouth or under the chin. Excess bone and/or tissue and muscle are removed, and the tip of the chin is contoured to the desired shape using a bone burr or drill. In some cases, a piece of the bone is removed, and the chin is repositioned. Sutures are used to close the incision. The patient returns home the same day.

Discomfort can be relieved with pain medication, although most patients report that pain is gone within 3 to 5 days. A compression garment may be applied to the chin to reduce swelling.
Risks include asymmetry, numbness in the lip and chin, infection and bleeding. In general, serious complications are rare. Your plastic surgeon can guide you in making the right choice for you.

CoolSculpting® is a leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment. It’s an innovative way to contour your body by freezing unwanted fat. It involves no surgery and minimal expected downtime. Controlled cooling is delivered via an applicator to freeze the targeted fat. Though you may feel intense cold initially, this feeling usually subsides as the area numbs. Because most applicators use a vacuum to draw fatty tissue into the applicator cup, you may also feel some pulling, tugging, and/or mild pinching.

Ear Lobe Repair
One of the most common cosmetic ear surgeries is earlobe repair. It can be partial or total.

The causes of this problem are as follows:

  • Frequent use of heavy earrings
  • Use of lobe expanders
  • Wearing earrings in an abnormal position
  • By trauma (“pull” with the earring on)

Fortunately, it is a simple and effective procedure that can solve these problems.

During an earlobe repair, Dr. Chopra first injects the stretched or torn earlobe with a local anesthetic to numb the area. The specific technique that Dr. Chopra then uses to repair and reconstruct your torn earlobes depends on the extent and complexity of your earlobe damage.
In most cases, the plastic surgeon removes any scar tissue from the split or stretched piercing that would otherwise prevent the repaired earlobe from healing smoothly. Once the scar tissue is removed, and fine stitches are used to close the earlobe.

1 day of downtime. Follow up appointment with Dr.Chopra to review the results.

The face is usually the first place to show signs of aging, which can be disheartening for women and men who strive to look and feel their best. Facelift surgery is a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation that targets various areas of concern and delivers outstanding results that last. This procedure can reduce the appearance of marionette lines, nasolabial folds, midface skin laxity, and other imperfections. Dr. Chopra is careful to personalize each facelift procedure to produce natural rejuvenation effects and an attractive aesthetic for all of his patients.

Benefits of a Facelift
The advantages of facelift surgery include the following:

  • A visible reduction in facial wrinkles and skin laxity
  • A more youthful aesthetic
  • Improved jawline definition

Immediately following facelift surgery, patients can expect some discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Dr. Chopra provides the necessary compression garments that will help minimize these side effects and improve comfort during the initial stage of recovery. Prescription pain medication can help alleviate any residual discomfort.

Facelift patients will notice some improvement right after their procedure, but bruising and swelling can conceal the final outcome for several weeks. Any incisions will be placed in inconspicuous locations, and any scarring that develops should fade over time. It is recommended for patients to lead a healthy lifestyle and use proper sun protection to preserve their facelift results.

Facial Fat Grafting
As you age, the face develops wrinkles and loses support in soft tissues, causing excess skin to shed. The loss of volume due to the absorption of facial fat is increasingly recognized as an important component of the aging process, which can be restored with any of the well-known dermal fillers or facial fat grafts.

Facial “fat grafting” can play a significant role in creating a more youthful facial appearance and a harmonious facial result. Fat transfer or fat grafting restores skin volume, reducing the depth and number of wrinkles on the face, and in turn, can make skin look more youthful.

To harvest fat during facial fat grafting, a specialized cannula (tiny hollow needle) is employed by the plastic surgeon. The size of the parcel of extracted fat cells is an important point in future viability when transferred to the new location. The suction used in the process is very gentle so fewer cells are damaged in the extraction process. It will be harvested from an area of the body with excess fatty deposits, such as thighs, buttocks, or love handles.

Labiaplasty is the surgical intervention destined to reconstruct, build, reduce size, modify the appearance of the female external genitalia, other names by which it is designated: nymphoplasty, lymphotomy, being an aesthetic and functional procedure exclusively at the level of the vaginal lips.

Sex becomes an impediment since instead of being pleasant it becomes painful.
This treatment shapes the lips, reducing them in size, tightening the muscles, restoring the vagina to its shape, making the patient feel better and enjoy more.

The most common type of labiaplasty is the trim procedure, in which the extra tissue is removed and sewn up directly. Next in popularity is the wedge procedure, which maintains a natural border after a pie-shaped piece of tissue has been removed. Extra folds of the clitoral hood can also be reduced at the same time. Closure is usually done with absorbable sutures. The type of procedure best for you will be explained by your plastic surgeon.

Down time is estimated to be 7 to 10 days. Patients can resume wearing tampons or having intercourse after four to six weeks. Trim labiaplasty generally allows for a quicker recovery. While most swelling is gone by 6 weeks, residual swelling may take six months to disappear.

Lip Lift
Lip lift surgery is a surgical procedure for correcting a long upper lip. Over time, the skin overlying the lips tends to lose its elasticity and undergoes descent with a subsequent change in the upper lip shape and length. Also some patients are often distressed by an excessive length between the upper lip and base of the nose that can either progress over time or be present from birth. Having a long upper lip can result in reduction in teeth visibility with relaxation of mouth opening and upon smiling.

An upper lip lift can address the aesthetics of the upper lip area by reduction of the distance between the nose and lip, making the lips appear fuller and more youthful.

The actual lip lift procedure takes about 45 minutes and can be performed with local anesthesia; I usually operate with local anesthesia. The crux of this procedure is to remove excessive upper lip skin just beneath the nose (a “bullhorn” pattern is used).

Stitches remain in place for a week; then the scar will heal and fade within a year. You may need one to two weeks off from your social calendar, but any scarring can be covered with foundation within two weeks of your operation. Like other surgical procedures, lip lifts have their dangers: bleeding, infection, and undesirable scarring are all possibilities.

Also known as liposculpture, lipoplasty, body contouring surgery or simply lipo, liposuction is one of the most performed and popular cosmetic surgical procedures, it is often combined with other procedures, such as the transfer of fat to other sites, for example buttocks.

Dr. Chopra uses liposuction surgery to sculpt the body, reducing unwanted fat deposits from regions such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, back, arms, neck, calves, ankles, and breasts (including male breasts).

Although liposuction cannot replace diet and exercise, it can reduce the fatty tissue that accumulates in some parts of the body and that are very resistant to traditional weight loss methods. The best candidates for liposculpture are those with firm and elastic skin, who have localized sites of adipose (fat) tissue in certain areas of the body.

Some liposuction procedures may require only local or regional anesthesia — anesthesia limited to a specific area of your body. Other procedures may require general anesthesia, which induces a temporary state of unconsciousness. You may be given a sedative, typically through an IV injection, to help you remain calm and relaxed. The surgical team will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen level throughout the procedure. If you are given local anesthesia and feel pain during the procedure, tell your surgeon. The medication or motions may need adjustment. The procedure may last up to several hours, depending on the extent of fat removal.

Expect some pain, swelling and bruising after the procedure. Your surgeon may prescribe medication to help control the pain and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. After the procedure, Dr. Chopra may leave your incisions open and place temporary drains to promote fluid drainage. You usually need to wear tight compression garments, which help reduce swelling, for a few weeks. You may need to wait a few days before returning to work and a few weeks before resuming your normal activities — including exercise.

Lower Body Lift
While losing weight is an exciting event for many patients, it can also create new challenges as the body adjusts to the smaller size. Patients struggling with loose and excess skin may consider a lower body lift to improve their contour and shape.

The procedure is a combination of an abdominoplasty, thigh lift and buttocks lift and may also include liposuction for fat removal. Every patient has unique needs and desired results, so the procedural steps may not be the same for everyone. In addition to superficial stitches in the skin, deep sutures will be placed in the underlying tissues to anchor and support the new shape. The entire surgery may last between three and six hours, depending on the amount of skin targeted for removal and the addition of liposuction, butt augmentation or any other secondary procedure.

Patients will need to spend one to three nights in the hospital before returning home. Most patients resume working in two to four weeks. Exercise and more strenuous activities can be gradually resumed four to six weeks following the procedure.Common side effects include swelling, bruising, numbness, and soreness that last for several weeks. Your plastic surgeon will help you choose the procedure that is right for you

Mole Removal
Overview Moles are small, pigmented spots on the skin that are typically brown in color. Although they are usually harmless, many patients choose to have them removed in order to achieve clearer skin.

A small or contained lesion may be removed with excision – a simple surgical process to remove the lesion from the skin. Closure is most often performed in conjunction with excision. Healthy, adjacent tissue is repositioned over the wound. The scar is positioned within the natural crease of the skin.

Down time is minimal but no strenuous activity for a week.

Neck Lift
If you are bothered by sagging, loose skin on your neck, then a neck lift surgery procedure, may provide a solution. Cosmetic surgeons will perform one or both of these procedures to tighten loose neck muscles and remove excess, sagging skin, restoring a smoother, firmer, and better defined appearance to the neck.

The procedure takes several hours, during which the plastic surgeon makes small incisions around and behind your ears, and a very small one under the chin. The surgeon carefully lifts the muscles of the neck and removes extra skin and fat, then closes the incisions and applies a pressure dressing around your head and underneath the chin.

Time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities, including a return to work, within 2 weeks after surgery. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal. These effects should subside gradually, with visible bruising typically gone after the first week, and that “tight” feeling remaining for up to several months. Dr. Chopra will provide you with detailed instructions for recovery and aftercare.

Neck Liposuction
Fat in the neck can detract from the appearance of the entire body, making a younger person seem older, or a fit person appear out of shape. Neck Liposuction can reveal a streamlined neck contour, enhance facial features, and improve the profile.

Performed as an outpatient procedure or in the surgery center, the unwanted fatty tissue is gently removed by vacuum suction through very small incisions hidden inconspicuously beneath the chin. With Neck Liposuction, Dr. Chopra artfully improves the neck contour in two ways: volume reduction and tissue tightening. After the fat has been removed, a compressive bandage is worn for a few days to encourage the skin to ‘shrink’ and reshape to the new contour of the neck. This procedure is most successful in individuals that have good neck skin tone and elasticity, allowing the skin to effectively re-drape after adipose tissue removal revealing a sleek new neck and jaw profile. Neck Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed individually or in combination with other rejuvenation procedures.

Under local anesthesia, 1-3 tiny incisions concealed beneath the chin or behind the ears are used , Dr. Chopra will insert a small liposuction cannula, removing excess fat & sculpting a natural contour to the chin & neck.

After the procedure a patient will wear a supportive chin strap for 1 week, and then return to work. After two weeks you may return to physical activity. It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after the procedure, this should resolve during the first 10-14 days after surgery.

Otoplasty (Ear Pinning)
Our plastic surgeon sees patients from all over the area who have large ears. We correct all three of the reasons that contribute to ears being prominent, including reducing the concho-scaphal angle, decreasing the size of the conchal bowl and strengthening the antihelical fold.

During the otoplasty procedure, an incision is created on the back of the ear where it meets the side of the head. This makes the incision almost invisible even when people look for it. It is important to emphasize that no incisions are made on the outside or the front of the ear.

The plastic surgeon makes incisions on the back of your ears or within the inner creases of your ears. After making incisions, he will remove excess cartilage and skin. He will then fold the cartilage into the proper position and secure it with internal stitches. Additional stitches will be used to close the incisions. The procedure lasts about two hours.

After otoplasty, your ears will be covered in bandages for protection and support. You’ll likely feel some discomfort and itching. To keep pressure off your ears, avoid sleeping on your side. Also try not to rub or place excessive force on the incisions. A few days after otoplasty, Dr.Chopra will remove your bandages. Your ears will likely be swollen and red, & you’ll need to wear a loose headband that covers your ears at night for two to six weeks. This will help keep you from pulling your ears forward when rolling over in bed.

Thighplasty (Thigh Lift)
A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and a better shape. The inner thigh skin and fat is difficult to improve with just diet and exercise. A thigh lift uses surgery to improve this difficult area.

Is it right for me?
Candidates for thigh lift are:

  • People whose weight is relatively stable
  • Individuals with excess soft tissue along the inner thigh region
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that may make healing more difficult or increase the risk of surgery
  • Non-smokers

Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what thigh lift surgery can accomplish
Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and fitness.

The incision made will depend on the degree of correction and technique preferred. Some people may be candidates for a minimally invasive procedure in which only an incision in the groin is made. Other techniques may involve an incision starting in the groin that extends to the knee Dr. Chopra will strategically make incisions in natural folds in the skin so they’re less visible. Fat and skin are then removed, and sutures are used to support newly shaped contours. Sutures, adhesive, or clips are then used to close the skin.

After the procedure, your legs may be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a support garment to help minimize swelling and to support your legs as they heal. Small tubes may be placed under the skin temporarily to help drain excess blood or fluid. You’ll typically return home on the day of surgery with instructions from your doctor. Most people return to work or non-strenuous daily activities within a week or two. You’ll likely experience some bruising and swelling, which typically resolve in about a month. Most people return to all normal activities within four to six months

Rhinoplasty changes the shape of the nose. The motivation for a rhinoplasty may be to change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing or both.The upper portion of the structure of the nose is bone, and the lower portion is cartilage. Rhinoplasty can change bone, cartilage, skin or all three.

Rhinoplasty may be done inside your nose or through a small external cut (incision) at the base of your nose, between your nostrils. Your plastic surgeon will likely readjust the bone and cartilage underneath your skin. Dr. Chopra can change the shape of your nasal bones or cartilage in several ways, depending on how much needs to be removed or added, your nose’s structure.

Closed vs. Open Rhinoplasty
Dr. Chopra accesses the interior anatomy of the nose by placing incisions within the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or through a small incision on the underside of the nose (open rhinoplasty). The approach Dr. Chopra uses will depend on the issues being corrected. The open approach allows a change in the shape of the internal framework supporting the nose while retaining its strength, which allows confident correction of the deformity without fear of future collapse or pinching of the nose. Once all the internal changes are complete, your surgeon repositions the skin and sutures the incision closed.

Plan to take one to two weeks off from work, school or other obligations. You will feel progressively better each day during the first week. . After surgery, there will be some swelling. The swelling can take up to a year to resolve completely

Gynecomastia Reduction
Gynecomastia appears when testosterone decreases and estrogen increases. This hormonal imbalance can develop for a number of reasons resulting in the need for gynecomastia surgery. The cause of this decrease can be conditions that block the effects of or reduce testosterone or a condition that increases your estrogen level. Several things can upset the hormone balance, including medication, natural hormone changes, drugs and alcohol and even herbal products.

A small incision is made under the nipple, & the fibrous fatty tissue is excised evenly and then the incision is closed.

One week of down time is recommended & four weeks after your procedure you may resume light exercise.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
This procedure is a good option for anyone who wants to remove excess skin and small fat deposits left behind after childbirth or weight loss. This includes people who have lost weight after having weight-loss surgery, as well as those who have lost weight primarily through exercise or dieting. The ideal candidate is:

  • In good overall health
  • Physically fit in general
  • At a stable weight

If you still have a lot of weight you want to lose, or are planning to have more children in the future, it may be wiser to put off having a tummy tuck. This is because losing more weight or having more children will further change your body, and that may undo some or all of the effects of the tummy tuck procedure.

During a typical tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will make incisions to remove most of the skin and fat between your belly button and pubic hair. Connective tissue that lies over the abdominal muscles is then tightened with permanent sutures. He will then reposition the skin around your belly button. Your bellybutton will be brought out through a small incision and sutured in its normal position. The incision from hip to hip above the pubic hair will be stitched together and will leave a scar that falls along the natural crease within the bikini line.The procedure lasts about 3-4 hours.

Your abdominal incision and belly button will be covered with surgical dressing. Small tubes may be placed along the incision site to drain any excess r fluid. You’ll wear a supportive abdominal garment for about six weeks after your tummy tuck. This helps prevent fluid buildup and provides abdominal support while you heal. For the first six weeks after a tummy tuck, you’ll need to be careful when moving around. You’ll also need to avoid positions that strain your incision line — such as quickly bending at the waist — to prevent the reopening of the wound.

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